Monday, February 21, 2011

Suicide among the nations

Suicide is a hard subject for anyone that has lost a loved one to it. This map shows the world and the proportions of suicide globally. Eastern Europe contains 7 of the top 10 countries while China and India show the biggest area of self-inflicted death.

The main cause of suicide is depression; but, what is causing people in Eastern Europe and Asia to be so depressed? Could it be government? Economy? Whatever it is, we must not be experiencing it as heavily here in North America.

My theory is that it has to do with a lack of Christianity. When you look at this map of Christianity, you see that most of the major countries on it are minor countires on the suicide cartograph. Is this coincidence? I don't think so. 

The hope of Jesus Christ is unlike any other hope on earth. It gives you a reason to live because you know that God has purpose for you and that you are a chosen child of God. Religions like Budism and Hinduism don't have that. There is no divine purpose for your life, there is only fear of the gods they claim to have. This can be so opressive that I can see how it would lead to suicide.

How does this relate to globalization? Well, globalization is the increasing inerconnectedness of people and places throughout the world through converging processes of economic, political and cultural change. If we "globalize" Christ (take the Gospel throughout the earth), we can make a huge impact for the kingdom and give people the hope that we have. 

1 Peter 3:15, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 

Railways of India

Railway travel in India has become very popular since the late 1800's. The first railway in India was established in 1843 and was a 21-mile stretch, connecting the cities of Bombay (modern-day Mumbai) and Thane. This was a very popular route traveled by many Indians, mostly by foot prior to the railways. (

In Southern India, the first railway was established by the Madras Railway Company and was a 63 mile long route from Veyasarpandy to Arcot. This took place in 1856 and this railway is still used today. By 1880, India had roughly 9,000 miles of railway and it was continuing to grow. (

Today, tourists can travel to major cities over a period of 10-20 days and see all India has to offer and the rich history of India as well. For example, if you would like to tour South India, you could take a short 14-day trip beginning in Chennai, then travel through Madurai, Periyar, Trivandram, Cochin, Bangalore and end your tour in Mysore. Sound fun? Visit if you're interested.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Losing Color

Southeast Asia contains some of the most beautiful coral reefs on earth. These reefs have millions of different species dwelling among them and they are some of the most colorful spectacles on the planet. Unfortunately, these reefs are in danger.

In Thailand, especially, these coral reefs are struggling. They are slowly being bleached and losing their beautiful colors. This is caused by growing algae that competes with the coral for nutrients and by a rise in temperature. As more and more tourists come to Thailand's inlands, the waste that enters the water grows. As the amount of waste grows, the amount of nutrients that are added to the water grows. This produces algae and the problem of bleaching becomes a reality.

Awareness is being raised by various conservation groups research is being done as to see what can be done about the bleaching. Multiple dive sites have been cloesed indefinitely until the problem is controlled. If you would like to help, visit 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy (Late) Australia Day


I found this article on the Sydney Morning Herald website. Apparently, You tube is launching a online orchestra directed by Tilson Thomas, a grammy award winning conductor. Anyone from anywhere may audition online to participate in this ensemble and people can vote on the semi-finalists. The final group will perform at the Sydney Opera House in March 2011.

This ties in with Australia's increasing urbanization. Australia is becoming more and more "Westernized" and they seem to be reaching out more for diversity in their nation. On page 640 and 641 it discusses Australia's influence of North American and European culture. The fact that they are hosting a classical music symphony shows that they are truly becoming more Urbanized and Westernized as classical music began in the West.

Australia's economy is booming now more than ever. Tourism is becoming more and more popular and revenue for most businesses are expected to grow rapidly this year.

The down side to Australia's booming economy is that wage increases are becoming expected by workers due to unemployment rates dropping and the demand for workers rising. If this happens though, most businesses expect the wage increase to affect their business growth (or lack there of) by more than 2 percentage points, peaking toward the middle of the year.

I thought that this article tied into pg. 657 on "The Australian Economy." In the book it talked about the growing tourism sector of the economy and I expect that, in those companies, workers will look for more money due to the growing demand. If this happens, we could see a rise in tourism prices and a decline in the amount of visitors to Australia.