Suicide is a hard subject for anyone that has lost a loved one to it. This map shows the world and the proportions of suicide globally. Eastern Europe contains 7 of the top 10 countries while China and India show the biggest area of self-inflicted death.
The main cause of suicide is depression; but, what is causing people in Eastern Europe and Asia to be so depressed? Could it be government? Economy? Whatever it is, we must not be experiencing it as heavily here in North America.
My theory is that it has to do with a lack of Christianity. When you look at this map of Christianity, you see that most of the major countries on it are minor countires on the suicide cartograph. Is this coincidence? I don't think so.
The hope of Jesus Christ is unlike any other hope on earth. It gives you a reason to live because you know that God has purpose for you and that you are a chosen child of God. Religions like Budism and Hinduism don't have that. There is no divine purpose for your life, there is only fear of the gods they claim to have. This can be so opressive that I can see how it would lead to suicide.
How does this relate to globalization? Well, globalization is the increasing inerconnectedness of people and places throughout the world through converging processes of economic, political and cultural change. If we "globalize" Christ (take the Gospel throughout the earth), we can make a huge impact for the kingdom and give people the hope that we have.
1 Peter 3:15, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."
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