Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rabbit Revolutionaries

As you may know, China has one of the largest and most strict internet filters of any country. The government can block and filter any content it views as inappropriate for it's citizens. This makes the concept of democracy and any other ideas other than communism virtually impossible to spread.

People are finding ways around the firewall, however. One way, people are getting around the firewall is by producing comics made to look like innocent children's stories. But, when viewed in further detail there are political undertones speaking out against the tyrannical rule of communism and encouraging revolution.

This being the year of the rabbit, one such comic is called "Little Rabbit, Be Good." While this video is a little too graphic for children, it was able to get over the firewall. This video begins with a popular Chinese kids' song and little bunnies in what must be China. The government is portrayed as vicious tigers that could care less about the rabbits' hardships. In one scene, the tigers (government) drop off milk for the new bunny babies and the milk causes the babies' heads to explode. In another scene, the tigers knock down the rabbits houses, run over some rabbits with their cars and kill anyone who shows disdain for their system of government.

In the final scenes of the comic, the rabbits rebel against the tigers and overtake them by biting and killing them. The video displays, "Even rabbits will bite when pushed" hinting at an ensuing revolt if the oppression continues. Then, the kid wakes from what must have been a dream about the bunnies and goes back to his life of oppression.

Since February, this video has received a lot of attention and has since been banned from viewing in China. There are others like it that have hurdled the firewall and it is good to know that the government cannot block everything online. In my opinion this leaves hope for the people of China to spread the word of democracy and to revolt if necessary.

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