Monday, April 25, 2011

Journey to the center of...Europe?


Apparently, for years, geographers have been trying to decide where the exact center of Europe is so that a monument could be established in the central town. I find this humorous because it seems like there could be better things to do with the time spent on finding the center of Europe- not to mention the heavy debate over the topic. The country still has not come to a conclusion of where the exact center is.

This map shows 7 towns and cities that have at one point been thought of as the center of Europe. Monuments have been established in each of them and the citizens of each province believe that they are the most central town in Europe. The only trouble is that Europe has acquired different countries over the years and some of their "current countries" are not sure if they want to be a part of Europe. Do you count Turkey...or not? Armenia?

If I had a vote, I would vote for the center to be in Dilove, Ukraine because I have always found Ukrainians friendly and hilarious. I think that they deserve to have a monument in their country. I mean, can you think of the amount of tourism that would bring in!?

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