Monday, April 18, 2011

Price Protests in Algeria

In early February riots broke out in Algeria, one of Africa's largest and most oil-rich countries. The riots were spurred by the rise in prices of sugar and cooking oil. Pro-democratic civilians went up against Algerian police with riot shields and 5 people were killed while at least 800 people were wounded.

The protesters main goal was to remove President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. He has been in power for 12 years and has kept his country under a strict authoritarian rule. The protesters did not get their wish and Bouteflika still remains in power.

Since the riots in February, Bouteflika has promised to use the country's oil and gas wealth to lower the cost of key foods such as sugar and cooking oil. This has brought about a proverbial "calm" within the country. Whether it's a calm before the storm, I am uncertain. I do know that all of the other unrest in the middle east will not help Algeria remain peaceful within its borders.

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