Monday, April 4, 2011

Northern Flights

It was really weird for me to look at a map from this point of view. So much of the time I see a map of the world and I gloss over the Antarctic region. It seems like there should be another world when you flip the map over and that would be the Antarctic. Looking at it from this angle, this region doesn't look very big at all. It is funny to see how close North America actually is to Asia. In fact, it's only about 80 miles from Alaska's west peninsula to Russia's eastern-most point. If you wanted to travel from Alaska to Sweden it is only 2,700 miles which might be a 9 or 10 hour plane ride instead of traveling all the way across the U.S. to Western Europe and then to Sweden which would be about 9,000 miles and a 1-2 day flight. Looking at the world from a different perspective really helps you get a better handle on how small it actually is and how globalization is becoming more and more easier.

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